My ADP Resource

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Log in to the ADP members page by entering your login details at Feel free to register if you have not yet applied or been approved for an account. Just click on the link that says “Register here” for you to start your process of registration.

Be sure you are using a well-supported browser for you to access their services without interruption. As of September this year, the MyADPResource login system was updated for better use on browsers. You would not have any problem using this function to access your account as long as you are using the updated version of your browser for an employee account or for a manager’s account.

Registering your My ADP Resource Account

To register for an account at, managers and employees alike must have their own personal registration codes. Each registration code is given by the ADP or your organization. So to be cleared for a new account you must be verified and be found on the ADP records. For other references, a company passcode or a personal ID is used. You may contact your local organization if ever you do not have a registration code yet.

ADP is known as leading contender for their professional services in business outsourcing for payroll, tax and the likes. All the benefits for administrative tasks like for payroll, tax and talent and time are being integrated with the use of this comprehensive global provider of cloud-based human capital management solutions. Be sure to avail of the latest technological edge for you to get your business ahead.

My ADP Resource

My ADP has a great team of customer service to assist you on your questions or concerns. You may contact them by call them at their service center 1-800-416-6131 or by sending them an email to They are available to serve you between 8AM to 10 PM EST.

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